Sunday, May 15, 2022

Arriving on the ark

Sitting up with a start, Rage the Egyptian tattooed wolf, bumps his head. with the pounding of a new headache, Still on the ground, under some sort of large hot pipe, He assess his situation. With paws that aren't his, he touches a face borrowed from somewhere else.  ",what the hell!"he continues to probe his new alien body.

Okokok oh okay. This is a dream a nightmare. I went to bed a human male

Hey keep it down, a gal needs her rest-

Mwah I wong candee!


Suddenly a vision covers the scifi looking surroundings and the wolf becomes paralyzed. A new scene unfolds, all color washed and replaced with shades saturation of silver.  Silver waves touch silver sands.  A small dying fire sits where the waves have not reached.  Next to it a creature that bares remarkable similarity to the wolf with the headache. Except now there is an old buum sitting on the beach with a cartoon sized lump on his head.

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